I am fascinated of the idea of flow. Through my mixed media work I explore the many interpretations of this word.
Flow (fləʊ)
vb (mainly intr)
1. (of liquids) to move or be conveyed as in a stream
2. (of blood) to circulate around the body
3. to move or progress freely as if in a stream: the crowd flowed into the building.
4. to proceed or be produced continuously and effortlessly: ideas flowed from her pen.
5. to show or be marked by smooth or easy movement
6. to hang freely or loosely: her hair flowed down her back.
7. to be present in abundance: wine flows at their parties.
8. (Physical Geography) (of tide water) to advance or rise. Compare ebb1
9. (tr) to cover or swamp with liquid; flood
10. (Geological Science) (of rocks such as slate) to yield to pressure without breaking so that the structure and arrangement of the constituent minerals are altered n
11. the act, rate, or manner of flowing: a fast flow.
12. a continuous stream
13. continuous progression
14. (Physical Geography) the advancing of the tide
15. (Physical Geography) a stream of molten or solidified lava
16. the amount of liquid that flows in a given time
17. flow of spirits natural happiness